How To Make A Great Man Cave

Every man should have his own man cave. Where in the house it’s located will depend on how much space or how many extra rooms you have. Maybe it’s the den or a spare bedroom, maybe it’s in the basement, or maybe it’s in the garage.

No matter where your man cave is, here are a few ideas on how to make a great man cave in the perfect space, just for you.

How to make a great man cave.

  1. Decide on a theme (or not) for your man cave. Do you love sports? Are you an avid fisherman? Maybe you’re into video games or “techy” stuff. This can be a great jumping off point to decide how to decorate and set up your cave.
  1. If you’re going to paint your man cave, check the “oops” shelf at the hardware or paint store. This is a terrific way to find discount paint to re-do the walls without spending a ton of money. And you may end up with a color you’d never have thought of using.
  1. Use things you already own but which don’t have a place in the rest of the home. We all have boxes of “stuff” we don’t use in the basement. You might find the perfect treasure in one of them that will set the tone or theme of your cave.
  1. Check out garage sales, yard sales or thrift stores. People often get rid of things just because they don’t use them anymore, but there’s nothing actually wrong with them. You’ll save a few bucks over buying everything brand new and you never know what quirky kind of items you’ll find.
  1. If you don’t love something, don’t include it in your man cave. You want your cave to be a place that makes you happy and by including things that don’t make you smile, you take away from that. It doesn’t matter if the furniture is mismatched or if the color doesn’t go with the rest of the house. This is YOUR man cave, and the only opinion that matters should be yours.

If we can help you find a home with the ideal spot for your man cave, give Scott Parker of RE/MAX of Nanaimo a call today at (250) 751-1223.How To Make A Great Man Cave

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