How Much Did My Neighbor’s House Sell For?

Your neighbor recently listed their home for sale and now you’re curious about how much it sold for. If you don’t want to be nosy and ask them directly, how can you find out what the property sold for? The three easiest ways are listed below.

  1. Ask your real estate agent to look it up. They can quickly tell you what the home sold for without much fuss.
  1. If you’re thinking of selling your own home and buying a new one, have your real estate agent set you up on Private Client Services. You’ll receive an email with a link to the website showing the listings in the area you’re interested in. It finds matches to the criteria you gave your agent so you see exactly what you’re looking for. You’ll receive updates with new listings, listing prices, the homes details, and when a property is sold, it will tell you the selling price. This is also a great way to stay on top of what’s happening in the market, even if you’re not quite ready to move.
  1. Go to the BC Assessment site at You can enter the address and it will tell you the selling prices for that particular property in the last three years. You’ll also be able to compare the selling price to the assessed value of the home and see other sales in the area, also for the past three years. It will give you a general idea of what you might expect to get if you put your house up for sale, but remember, it’s always best to have an experienced agent do a market evaluation for you so you know what the right price may be for your home.

Once you find out what the neighbor sold his house for, you may decide it’s time to sell your own home. If that’s the case and you’re ready to sell your home, give Scott Parker a call at RE/MAX of Nanaimo. Scott can be reached anytime at (250) 751-1223.How Much Did My Neighbor’s House Sell For?


