Building Inspections – How Important Are They?

How important are building inspections and getting one before you complete the purchase of your new home? Here are 4 great reasons to never skip the inspection process.

4 reasons for building inspections

  1. Although it may cost a few hundred dollars to have a home inspection completed, it can save you much more in the long run. The inspector can point out areas of concern you or I may not notice. They might be small, easily repairable items, or they may be more costly, and difficult problems to deal with. Either way, you’ll have an idea of what’s wrong with the home before making the final commitment.
  1. The inspector may be able to tell you if any particular issue can cause problems getting home insurance. Plumbing pipes are a good example of this – are they copper, pvc, or pex – this can matter to your insurance company, and the inspection report will usually tell you what type they are. If it doesn’t, you can just call the inspector and ask.
  1. The inspector knows what the typical life span of certain building elements are. Is the hot water tank reasonably new or is it an older model? What about the roof or the furnace? Is it likely you’ll be replacing any of these in the next couple of years?
  1. The inspector will find any obvious defects. They’ll see if there’s any faulty installations like plumbing or lighting fixtures, cracks in the foundation, evidence of pest problems or roof shingles that are lifting or worn out.

Not having a home inspection can lead to trouble down the road. By purchasing a home without one, you are essentially buying the property “as-is” and won’t have much recourse after the purchase is complete. And that could mean a lot of out of pocket expenses for you!

By knowing any potential problems before you buy the property, you can make an informed decision about whether or not you really want to go ahead and buy the house after all. Not all problems need to be deal breakers, but if there’s a significant, immediate issue, you might want to ask the seller to share in the cost, by reducing the price of the home.

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With his experience, background and professional contacts, Scott can point you in the right direction and help you with your next home purchase or sale.


