In The Loop – May 2018

“Helpful Moving Tips from The Scott Parker Team”

Today we want to talk about moving and Ken Hammer wants to share with you his personal experience he recently had. He recently moved from North Nanaimo to Downtown Nanaimo and it has opened up many doors for him and his family.

Tip 1 – Set a Timeline. Create a moving timeline checklist! While getting ready to move out, this is your best solution for increasing your productivity and decreasing your moving stress at the same time. You have to set different stages to your move in order to get them finished with little stress.

Tip 2 – Sorting Your Possessions. Everyone has a little “junk” lying around the house. Regardless of how much stuff we have, we can all benefit from decluttering our lives and homes. Deciding what to keep/donate/sell or throw out. It’s often good advice to sort your items into piles have one pile keep, one pile donate or sell and one pile throw away and go from there.

Tip 3 – Use Our Moving Van. A big help is having the use of the Scott Parker Team Moving Van. You are welcome to use the moving van on your moving day and also to help you with the sorting your possession. The moving van is available absolutely free of charge to all current and past clients. Just give us a call, text or email.

So don’t be stressed we can help you out with your move.

Stay tuned for our next newsletter in June!


For more information or questions on buying or selling your home,
Contact The Scott Parker Team
Phone 250-751-1223





