Ice Cream Contest

Burnt Honey Ice Cream Contest 2021!

The best way we thought to celebrate Myriam getting her Real Estate Licence is to have a Burnt Honey Ice Cream contest. You have a chance to win one of three $20 Gift cards to Burnt Honey Dessert Company!

The reasons we chose Burnt Honey:

  1. who doesn’t love ice cream?
  2. they serve homemade, high quality ice cream and macarons
  3. they support as many local farmers, artists and other small business as they can in the process
  4. you are welcome in their shop, whatever your race, ethnicity, religion, country of origin, or gender identity

Do you want to participate? Go to our Facebook page here, like our page or share the video for your chance to win!

For any questions on the Real Estate market contact Myriam at 250-751-1223 or


