Category: Buying

  • 30-Year Amortization for First-Time Buyers 

    30-Year Amortization for First-Time Buyers 

    The federal government has proposed some new housing affordability measures geared toward making the Canadian housing market more affordable for first-time buyers. Among the new measures, first-time buyers will have the option to take out a 30-year amortization on their mortgage, and the first-time Home Buyer’s Plan RRSP withdrawal amount is being increased to $60,000,…

  • In The Loop – November

    Home Transition We are here in Ken Hammer’s living room. Ken has recently transitioned from a 3,000 sq.ft. North Nanaimo home to a 3 level townhouse located in downtown Nanaimo. The move has opened up many new opportunities for Ken and his family. They have changed several daily habits from the locations they take their…

  • In The Loop – September 2018

    3 Helpful Moving Tips Today we want to talk about moving and I want to share with you a personal experance I’ve recently had I’ve moved from North Nanaimo to Downtown Nanaimo and I have to admit it’s opened up many doors. Tip 1 – Set a timeline. You have to stage something in order…

  • In The Loop – August 2018

    Choosing your home type Here’s a common question on the minds of potential buyers: “What type of home can you find me in my price range?”. One thing to remember, it’s not just about price range it’s about lifestyle as well. Scott, like many people, wants to have a lawn regardless of the maintenance that…

  • In The Loop – July 2018

    Home Transition We are here in Ken Hammer’s living room. Ken has recently transitioned from a 3,000 sq.ft. North Nanaimo home to a 3 level townhouse located in downtown Nanaimo. The move has opened up many new opportunities for Ken and his family. They have changed several daily habits from the locations they take their…

  • In The Loop – June 2018

    Assisting Buyers in a Sellers Market  Of Late, real estate in Nanaimo has been going through a period we would consider a seller’s market. This is a fairly substantial transition from the Buyer’s market in Nanaimo this time 5 years ago As a real estate team we are commonly asked to guide and assist buyers…

  • In The Loop – May 2018

    “Helpful Moving Tips from The Scott Parker Team” Today we want to talk about moving and Ken Hammer wants to share with you his personal experience he recently had. He recently moved from North Nanaimo to Downtown Nanaimo and it has opened up many doors for him and his family. Tip 1 – Set a…

  • In The Loop – January 2018


  • Buying A Grow Op Property That’s Been Remediated

    Did you find the right home only to discover it was once a marijuana “grow op”? Here’s a few things you should think about before buying a grow op property that’s been remediated. Buying a grow op How do you find our if the property was a grow op? In British Columbia, the property disclosure form…

  • How To Get Kids Excited About Their New Home

    There are no two ways about it, moving is stressful.  But it can be really hard on kids, especially if you’re moving to a completely new neighborhood or city, away from friends, family, schools and activities. So what can you do to make it easier for them to settle into their new home and what’s…

  • Down Payment: How Much Do I Have To Put Down To Buy A New Home?

    How much of a down payment do I have to put down to buy a new home? The short answer is anywhere from 5% and up. Down payment Effective February 15, 2016, the minimum requirements for new mortgages has changed and as of this date, there’s a three tiered structure; On a purchase price of…

  • How Much Does It Cost To Retire In Nanaimo

    How much does it cost to retire in Nanaimo, or anywhere for that matter, is a more complicated question than it seems and is dependent on a lot of factors. Below are five considerations to think about when looking to retire. How much does it cost to retire? House budget. Smaller cities can mean big savings. If you’re…

  • Do I Need To Pay A REALTOR® When Buying A Home?

    Many people think they have to pay a real estate agent for their services when they are looking to buy a home. This is not the case. Do I need to pay a REALTOR®? If you’re working with a REALTOR® they’ll show you the homes you’re interested in seeing based on the criteria you provide…

  • 5 Signs Your Are Ready To Buy A Home

    At some point in life, most of us want to become homeowners. But how do you know you are ready to buy a home? Here are five signs to let you know. Ready to buy a home YOU’RE TIRED OF PAYING RENT If you think you’re just throwing money away each month paying rent, it…

  • The “Wish List” – How to Make One When Buying Your Home

    There’s a difference between what you really want versus what you really need. Everyone needs a place to eat, sleep and call home. However, when the time comes to buying that place, there are a lot of things to consider. In a dream world we can envision our perfect home and magically make it happen. But unfortunately this is reality, and…