Category: Selling

  • In The Loop – November

    Home Transition We are here in Ken Hammer’s living room. Ken has recently transitioned from a 3,000 sq.ft. North Nanaimo home to a 3 level townhouse located in downtown Nanaimo. The move has opened up many new opportunities for Ken and his family. They have changed several daily habits from the locations they take their…

  • In The Loop – October

    Assisting Buyers in a Sellers Market ​ Of Late, real estate in Nanaimo has been going through a period we would consider a seller’s market. This is a fairly substantial transition from the Buyer’s market in Nanaimo this time 5 years ago As a real estate team we are commonly asked to guide and assist…

  • In The Loop – September 2018

    3 Helpful Moving Tips Today we want to talk about moving and I want to share with you a personal experance I’ve recently had I’ve moved from North Nanaimo to Downtown Nanaimo and I have to admit it’s opened up many doors. Tip 1 – Set a timeline. You have to stage something in order…

  • In The Loop – August 2018

    Choosing your home type Here’s a common question on the minds of potential buyers: “What type of home can you find me in my price range?”. One thing to remember, it’s not just about price range it’s about lifestyle as well. Scott, like many people, wants to have a lawn regardless of the maintenance that…

  • In The Loop – July 2018

    Home Transition We are here in Ken Hammer’s living room. Ken has recently transitioned from a 3,000 sq.ft. North Nanaimo home to a 3 level townhouse located in downtown Nanaimo. The move has opened up many new opportunities for Ken and his family. They have changed several daily habits from the locations they take their…

  • In The Loop – May 2018

    “Helpful Moving Tips from The Scott Parker Team” Today we want to talk about moving and Ken Hammer wants to share with you his personal experience he recently had. He recently moved from North Nanaimo to Downtown Nanaimo and it has opened up many doors for him and his family. Tip 1 – Set a…

  • In the Loop – February 2018

      “Why would someone want to use a listing agent to sell their home?” Scott Parker: Selling a home takes more than just hanging up a “For Sale” sign. I believe marketing the property is a huge reason people hire real-estate agents, a simple picture or sign just won’t do your property justice. We have…

  • 5 Tips For Selling A Tenant-Occupied Property

    If you’re the owner and thinking about selling a tenant-occupied property how can you, as the Seller, make the process easier for everyone involved? Understand the restrictions of the tenancy. If the Tenants have a fixed term tenancy, you cannot end it before the expiry date. If they are month-to-month, you’ll have to give them…

  • 5 Cost Effective Ways To Improve Your Home Value

    You’ve likely heard a hundred times before about the best ways to improve the value of your home and there are many ways to achieve this. But for those new to home buying and selling, let’s take a quick look at 5 of the best ways to improve your home value – not in any…

  • How Much Did My Neighbor’s House Sell For?

    Your neighbor recently listed their home for sale and now you’re curious about how much it sold for. If you don’t want to be nosy and ask them directly, how can you find out what the property sold for? The three easiest ways are listed below. Ask your real estate agent to look it up.…